Friday, 15 June 2012

20-day challenge follow up!

So the diet-shake phase one is completed! 20 days later and 6kg less I feel great. The first day I was supposed to have a regular meal, I was able to eat just like a handful of food, so my stomach must have got smaller, which is good too! Right now I am after my first week of replacing 1-2 meals with the shakes and low calorie bars.

The scale hasn't got under this 6kg yet but that's probably because the body is in the "saving for the thin years"-mode and it's gonna take some time before the scale moves down again. That doesn't bother me that much though, cause those few kilos less I already feel much better and suddenly all the clothes seem to look more flattering;)

After drinking about 100 shakes during that period I can really say that Naturdiet is the big winner but I have also acquired a taste for Allevo soups. Here come my best-and-worst lists of the shakes.

Naturdiet (as I wrote, the big winner, keeps you full for 3-4 hours!):

1. Wild Strawberry and vanilla (yummy even as a dessert!)
2. Pineapple (not too sweet, refreshing and filling)
3. Blueberry and vanilla smoothie (nice taste, not that filling though) 
4. Pear (kinda weird colour and a bit artificial taste, tastes like pear jelly)
5. Chocolate (would probably taste much better with milk instead of water, otherwise too watery)

?? Mint chocolate, Caffelatte, Wildberry- couldn't find it anywhere-undiscovered territory!!

Allevo (in general keeps you full for only about 2 hours so a big minus for that!):

1. Broccoli and basil with couscous(I was mistrustful at the beginning, but it was a nice break from the other sweet flavours)
2. Potato and leek (tastes ok, could use more leek though)
3. Strawberry-blueberry smoothie (a lot of berry-taste going on, but blends worse than the others so you end up with some floury pieces in your mouth)
4. Chocolate (less watery than naturdiet and a nice spicy aftertaste, quite ok)
5. Raspberry-banana (very candy-sweet, didn't fell like drinking it very often)
6. Exotic (a total disaster-awful artificial taste with floury consistence)

Now that I have started with the LCD (Low Calorie Diet) and am eating bars and milkshakes, I'm gonna come back with some reviews on those products very soon! What are your experiences with the diet shakes? Any useful advice to share? Take care, I'll keep you posted, next time with some photos!


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